Adult Therapy

Psychological therapy appointments generally occur weekly and last for up to an hour. Therapy goals can be varied and may include wanting a greater understanding of one's personality and interpersonal or work functioning, trying to reduce and cope with psychological symptoms or working to achieve improved wellbeing through consideration of one's thinking, feeling and behaviours. Factors that may increase the helpfulness of therapy include a strong level of motivation to change as well as a strong client-patient relationship (also known as the therapeutic alliance). We will ensure to utilise the more appropriate treatment to assist with your difficulties. We are experts of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and will utilise this evidence-based therapy if it will be helpful in resolving your difficulties.
  Psychological therapy may sometimes be difficult as it can involve recollection of painful thoughts and feelings; however, these frequently abate during the course of treatment. Persons with a significant other may experience increased conflict and tension in the relationship or in the relationship with other family members and friends as personal growth results in new ways of relating to others. This may result in adjustments in one's personal relationships but a better quality of life in the longer term.

As physical conditions can contribute to or be the cause of psychological symptoms, your therapist may recommend a physical evaluation with a medical doctor. A referral to a psychiatrist for psychotropic medication may also be appropriate. In some cases, psychological testing may be recommended, as information gathered from this process can enhance the effectiveness of psychological therapy.
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Child Therapy
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